Episode 6: The Gift of Wandering

While on a recent trip to Scandinavia, I discovered the gift of wandering. I will share how you can find the joy in wandering in your everyday life.


While on a recent trip to Scandinavia, I discovered the gift of wandering. I will share how you can find the joy in wandering in your everyday life.


As a planner, it is difficult for me to wander without expectations. On a recent trip to Scandinavia, I found some amazing moments when I let my guard down and wandered.

It made me think about my single life and how it has allowed me to wander and find some paths I may not have otherwise found if I had gotten married and had children. I have discovered how to become a super aunt, a mentor, started a blog, a podcast, traveled and have met amazing people along the way.

You can read more and see photos from my wandering at: http://singlesoulcircle.com/blogposts/2019/9/11/wandering-can-lead-to-beautiful-things

Here are 10 ways you can take some little steps into a life of wandering:

  1. Pick a random book and read it

  2. Try a new recipe

  3. Talk to someone you don’t know at a networking event or attend a meetup

  4. Drive a different way to work and take notice of the new surroundings (safely, of course).

  5. Pick a weekend day, don’t plan anything and just do whatever feels good from moment to moment with no expectations for yourself

  6. Listen to a podcast that has nothing to do with your interests or profession

  7. Walk around a park (unless you live in Arizona, you may need to wait a month or two)

  8. Try on clothes that are not your typical style

  9. Go to the grocery store or florist and stop and smell the flowers

  10. Pick a random person from your contacts and actually give them a call (not a text)

If you need some ideas for podcasts to check out, I would recommend my classmates' podcasts:
